A team of 11 fearless Air Charter Service employees recently skydived their way to raising almost £9,000 for children’s charity Momentum, which supports families with children facing cancer or other life-challenging conditions across South West London, Surrey and West Sussex.
Glenn Phillips, ACS’s PR & Advertising Manager and one of the brave few to take on the jump, said of the experience: “We were all a little apprehensive, but we knew that we were doing it for a very worthy cause which helped with the nerves.
“After waiting our turn to take to the skies, we boarded the Cessna Super Cargomaster (the freighter version of the 208 Caravan) and taxied down the runway. After taking off it took us about ten minutes to get to the required altitude of 10,000 feet, and then the door was opened. From inside the aircraft you could see out over the landscape, but there was no time to take in the view as you were shuffled to the edge of the cargo door – this was the scariest part!
“But, once falling, it was incredible – hurtling at more than 120 mph towards the ground was an experience I will never forget! After around half a minute my instructor pulled the cord and the parachute opened. Then we glided down and I finally had the chance to take in the beautiful Wiltshire scenery.”
Nicola O’Donnell, Corporate Fundraising Manager for Momentum, said: “The ACS team’s fundraising is amazing, I cannot thank them all enough! They have made a huge difference to families who have a child with cancer or life limiting illness.”
Phillips concluded: “All in all, it was an incredible experience, with a great team, raising almost £9,000 for a fantastic local charity!”
A video of the day, including some amazing mid-air GoPro footage, can be seen here:
About Air Charter Service
Air Charter Service is a global air charter broker company with 25 worldwide offices, spanning all six major continents and we offer private jet, commercial airliner and cargo aircraft charters, as well as onboard courier solutions. We arrange almost 15,000 contracts annually with revenue of close to 700 million dollars. We were formed in 1990 by Chairman Chris Leach and CEO Justin Bowman in the basement of a house, and we now employ more than 500 staff worldwide.
For more information, an interview or additional images please contact:
Glenn Phillips / PR & Advertising Manager
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8339 8593 /+44 (0) 7799 692 629
Email: glenn.phillips@aircharterservice.com
For more information, an interview or additional images please contact:
Glenn Phillips, PR & Advertising Manager
Tel: +44(0) 7799 692 629
Email: glenn.phillips@aircharterservice.com