Looking to fly with your pet? We go through what you can expect when flying your pet via a commercial airline or on a private jet charter, as well as provide some general advice to ensure your pet’s journey is as stress-free as possible.

Pets on Jets – A Complete Guide to Flying with your Furry Friends

Whether you’re moving a great distance or taking an extended holiday, circumstances may arise where your pet needs to be flown to a new destination. But what do you need to know when flying with your dog or other domestic animals? Find out in our guide to flying with your pets.

What are my options for flying with my pet?

There are two ways to fly your pets to their target destination – regular commercial flights and via private jet charter. We unpack the experience when choosing either of these options.

Transporting my pet on a commercial flight

There are three ways a commercial flight will transport your pet: in-cabin, checked baggage and as manifest cargo. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of each of these transportation methods:

  • In-cabin means that your pet, whether it’s a regular pet, emotional support animal, or service animal, will travel with you in the cabin. This will either be in a carrier that must be stowed under the seat in front of you, or with a harness, depending on the airline’s terms and conditions. Regardless of what pet you have, there are very strict requirements around the size and weight of any animal that travels with you in the cabin. There is also an extra fee for bringing your pet into the cabin. So if you’re wondering “can my dog fly on the plane with me?” make sure you contact the airline to find out.
  • Checked baggage is for an animal that’s travelling on the same flight as you but is not allowed in the cabin (for example, it may be too large) and so will be travelling in the cargo hold. Again, there are specific requirements around transporting pets in the cargo hold, some of which may be out of your or the airline’s control (such as the weather on the day you’re flying, which may affect conditions in the cargo hold), so be sure to follow up with the airline on how they handle pets.
  • Manifest cargo means that the animal will be travelling in the cargo hold of a plane that you are not flying on. Essentially, your pet is travelling alone. While the requirements are mostly the same as checked baggage, costs are likely to be higher as the airline will need to commit additional staff and resources to ensure your pet arrives safely at its destination.

Transporting my pet on a private jet

The other choice you have for making sure your pet reaches its destination comfortably is to travel on a private jet with your pet. There are many benefits to choosing a private jet charter over a commercial flight. These include:

  • You can take any pet with you in the cabin, including larger ones. Yes, while commercial airlines have very strict regulations regarding the size and weight of any animal you bring on board, when you book a private jet there are far fewer restrictions on the size or weight of an animal that can fly with you. This means your pet will have you close by (they can even sit on a seat), making the journey a far less stressful experience than if they were in a carrier or in the cargo hold.
  • You can bring more than one pet on the flight. A private jet charter doesn’t limit you to one animal per flight the way a commercial airline does.
  • You won’t have to worry about weather conditions since your animal will be travelling with you in the cabin.
  • The plane will leave according to your schedule, which makes things easier when you have to factor in your pets and getting them ready for a flight.
  • A simpler boarding process for you and your pet since you don’t have to deal with the queues and systems associated with commercial flights. You and your pet only need to arrive a short time before your private flight and the boarding process is much quicker since you’ll be making use of a private terminal.
  • There are no restrictions around the time of year or weather conditions in which you and your pet can fly. While commercial cargo holds do have some degree of climate control, there are still risks at certain times of year when the hold may get too hot or too cold for your pet to fly comfortably. When you fly private, you don’t have to worry since your pet will be with you in the cabin.

Take a look at some of the a-paw-able pets we’ve had the pleasure of flying with us here at ACS:

What else do I need to know?

Here are a few more things you need to know, regardless of whether you are flying commercial or private with your pet.

Should I sedate or tranquillise my pet for the flight?

Flying can be stressful for your animal. However, if you’re considering pet sedation for travel, you might want to think twice. While most people think this will help an animal relax if it’s stressed out by the experience, it comes with a major risk and is not recommended by commercial airlines or most vets. A pet that is sedated or tranquillised may experience an increased risk of heart or respiratory issues and is only considered an option under very specific circumstances. Be sure to speak to your veterinarian about your pet’s needs in advance.

Different regulations will apply depending on which country you’re travelling to

Each country has different regulations, so make sure you do your homework and have the necessary information, vaccinations, and paperwork before bringing your pet with you on a plane. Some countries require your pet to be microchipped, so keep that in mind as well.

The age and health of your pet are important

Your pet cannot be too young or too old to fly and must be in good health. This will minimise any risks associated with air travel.

Don’t feed your pet just before you fly

Some animals may struggle to eat properly during their journey. Make sure your pet is well-fed and hydrated the night before a flight. Also, make sure they have an opportunity to relieve themselves before they board the plane to avoid any mishaps during the flight.

Ensure a comfortable flight for your pet with Air Charter Service

If you’re looking for a private charter to help you transport your pet as comfortably as possible, our team at Air Charter Service can help. We’ve been providing private, group, cargo, and specialist private charters for over 30 years to individuals and organisations all around the world. Our global network gives us access to a variety of aircraft so that we can source the perfect solution for you and your pet’s needs. We’ll also ensure you have all the necessary paperwork you need to fly with your pet. 

Our team is ready to help you and your beloved pet. Contact us for more information about our charter services.

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