A time-critical multi-stop charter
A regular client asked for our help transporting semiconductors from Lisbon, Portugal to a factory in Manaus, Brazil. The supplier often uses our secure onboard courier service for high-value goods and this cross-continental delivery couldn’t be fulfilled by a normal freight service. We sourced a flyer from Frankfurt to take the parts to Manaus, but on arrival it was discovered they’d been wrongly ordered by the factory there and were urgently needed in Beijing. Our time critical team set about quickly rerouting the package.
Our Solution
Route: France > Portugal > São Paulo > Brazil > Hawaii > Hong Kong > Beijing
Service: ACS Time Critical (onboard courier)
Having quoted the client for the delivery to Brazil just 15 minutes after receiving the initial enquiry, it then took us only 20 minutes to plan the next leg of the journey after the discrepancy came to light in Manaus.
Our flyer immediately boarded the next flight to Hong Kong via Hawaii, passing on the cargo to another courier with visa-free access to mainland China for the final part of its journey. The consignment was then securely to the correct factory in Beijing.
The Finer Details
24-Hour Service: We worked across multiple time zones to ensure the last-minute request was fulfilled quickly.